Friday, March 2, 2012

This sunbean likes us!

We love a good sunbath!
Have a great weekend friendzz


Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Awesome sun catching kitties!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Lovely pictures on you guy´s and the sunbeam !

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We nefur cease to be amazed at how beautiful your furs are! Enjoy your sunpuddle. xoxo

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Why wouldn't a sunbeam like such handsome boys?

Mariodacat said...

I always say - grab a sunpuddle when you can get it.

The Island Cats said...

It looks good on both of you, too!

GLOGIRLY said...

Beautiful photos of beautiful kitties!
Happy weekend : )

Sparkle said...

Wow, the sun really does favor you today!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

What beautiful sunbath photos! :)

Rumpydog said...

I love a good sunbeam too! Makes for a great nap!

Nerissa's Life said...

I hope your whole weekend is FILLED with sunbeams and puddles... sun puddles, that is.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looks like a very nice sunbeam.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

A good looking sunpatch for two beautiful kitties!


Unknown said...

Nothing like a good sunbeam for warming you up and sending you to sleep at the same time.

ilovethesuk said...

You are beautiful!

-Suki (Siamese Cat) said...

But for the beam poor kittens would not relax at the windowsill! Thanks for making selfies and sharing with us :)

World of Animals, Inc said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. We just know that you just love the warmth of the sunbeam on your furs. Have a pawsome day and keep up the posts.
World of Animals