I am thankful for
being a cat so I can lay wiff my pawz wide open for the world to see and nobody give'zz a rats ass! Speaking of ass I can lick it whenever I please, even if you Humans are eating.
OMC!! He did NOT just show hizz peepee -and all the other stuffz that izz in that area- to the entire Cat Blog Community did he...?!
OMC he did.

Somebody's never ever getting a girlfriend cat. You have manners to learn, young one. Pay attention to your brother!
You are still young enough to snicker at, but just just.
Well, it's called Bengal Business.. And there's all his business! Right out there in the open.. Aint it great that cat's aint shy? MOL
Wow - put a beer in your paw and you would look like half the guys in Texas!
Wow dude, you really let it all hang out!
Nubbin wiggles,
That blue birdie flyin' around your website just landed on your ball sack as I opened this window! Just thought I'd say.
Geez, Lars, talk about NO decorum! Boycats....
Hi There! I read about you over at Oskar's place. Holy Smoke, buddy. I thought we dogs had the market cornered on public displays of.....well....unmentionables. But I see that I was mistaken! :)
Rusty & Co.
Haha!! And Lars, we thought Wally was the only one that had no couth!!
Yikes - I blindfolded me eyes so I wouldn't be exposed to all that stuff. Maybe you should provide a blindfold upon entering your bloggy. he he
Oh, wow, we're speechless! That doesn't happen often....
Dood, just like the song goes, "know when to hold em, know when to fold em" you gotta know theez things!
These comments are hee-larry-us.
Lars when you are done showing your business, could you have your mommy e-mail us so we can send her a picture for our blog badge? Our e-mail is denver.writer22 (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!!
Oh yes he did!!! Too funny!
MOL Lars! We love the way you "let it all hang out".
Well at least we know you're not SHY!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
HAuahuauauahu! I´m laughing so much!!!!! MOL!
We're MOL! That picture is so funny but the comments are even funnier!!!
The Florida Furkids
We like to lean on our humans while we lick ourselves!
That's called , "letting it all hang out" , Odin! Lars is obviously a pro at it :p You should try it one day...very freeing! Heehee.
the critters in The Cottage xo
MOL=funny post, handsome boys!!...Lars, we are loving your wild photo and contrary to your first comment, we all have crushes on you, sweetie!!...Happy day, silly boys!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Maxwell: *slaps paw over Allie's eyes* DUDE! I HAVE A SISTER!
FaRADaY: *rolls on floor laffing* HAAAA! Good one!! *tried to imitate Lars* Ow! Maxie! Go'way!
You boys make me laugh!!! Btw, we love your bluebird :-)
If you've got it, flaunt it!
All I can say is "Oh my!!!"
Also, you might want to check out the LOLSpot for Lars and Yunah. I didn't see this picture yet when I was making up my LOLs.
HOLY SPREAD EAGLE CAT! And I thought I was crossing the line in my skimpy pink G string!!!
Cats just don't care! woo woo woo!
Way to go Lars !
Odin I think you are a little bit to sensiative :)
OMC ! *peeking between mai paws* Dat one cat dat is comfy wif himself. Very confident boy.
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